Westone TRU; Custom Professional Musician Ear Plugs (Two Earpieces with Filters)
Westone TRU
Westone TRU™ advanced acoustic filters feature a dual membrane structure that provides the most natural hearing profile of any musician ear plug on the market today. TRU™ filters let you accurately and clearly hear whatever you are listening to, but just at a reduced volume. One set of filters comes with your purchase of full custom TRU™ ear plugs, and additional filters are available for purchase separately. The filters just snap right into the custom molds, so you can easily swap the filters as needed. The chart that follows shows the attenuation profile of each of the four different filters to help you choose.
NOTE: It is common with musician ear plugs for the vendors to quote an "Average Attenuation" and this will always be higher than the NRR (Noise Reduction Rating.) The reason for this is that NRR is meant to help the user choose a hearing protector that will protect against hearing loss. Because the higher frequencies are more dangerous, the NRR is weighted so that it tells the user how effective the device will be mainly at the higher frequencies. Because musicians want to be able to hear the high notes as well as the low notes, the average attenuation gives a clearer picture of what the ear plugs will let you hear. In choosing a hearing protector when you are concerned about protecting your hearing, always refer to the NRR rather than to the average attenuation. The NRR will tell you how much protection against damage you are getting. The Average Attenuation will tell you how much the device will reduce the volume over all. The Westone TRU Customs Difference Westone TRU Custom Ear Plugs are a cut above the rest when it comes to custom molded hearing protection for musicians.
Which Westone TRU Custom Filters Should I Choose?
Filters for the Westone TRU Custom Ear Plugs are excellent for a wide range of music applications, from practice to performance. The level of attenuation is not instrument specific. Many musicians buy one set of molds and multiple types of filters, and then change them as they feel it necessary depending on how loud it is in the area where they're playing or practicing. Generally speaking however, we have found, in the use of the Concert Plugs, that vocalists prefer the WM10 (14dB), while drummers prefer the WM25 (24dB) filters. For more information, see Manufacturer's Overview of TRU™ Ear Plugs