Cirrus WeatherX Pressure Regulating Ear Plugs for Preventing Weather-Related Migraine Headaches
Stop Weather-Related Migraines Before They Start with WeatherX Earplugs WeatherX ear plugs are an innovative, safe, and natural way to prevent migraine headaches caused by changes in the weather. These fast-acting ear plugs regulate the airflow in and out of your ears, so that changes in air pressure won't bring on an attack. WeatherX can help ease the intensity of these headaches, reduce the discomfort they cause, and shorten their duration - so you can do the things you love, rain or shine. And WeatherX is drug-free, so you can use it with all of your normal medications without worry. Learn More About WeatherX WeatherX works by regulating air pressure inside the ear canals. This is done via a special ceramic central filter housed inside each ear plug. The filter is the only way for air to pass through, and it makes sure pressure changes equalize gradually. These ear plugs are soft and comfortable, featuring four flexible fit rings that create a secure and effective fit inside the ear canal. WeatherX is latex-free and made of hypoallergenic silicone. Use it for up to 12 hours at a time. WeatherX ear plugs may be cleaned and reused many times. Are Your Migraines Sensitive to the Weather? If you suspect you might be more sensitive to weather fluctuations than people who don't have migraines, you may very well be right. Migraine headaches can be triggered due to changes in the weather: triggers include bright sunlight and extreme temperatures, but barometric pressure is the most likely culprit. Exactly why pressure changes affect the brain's ability to cope with headaches is still unknown - but there are definitely more migraines happening on cloudy, stormy days. As you may already have experienced, weather-related migraines can be devastating. In extreme cases, people have literally had to move across the country to get migraine relief. But don't pack your bags yet! A pair of these ear plugs could be all you need to make the weather-related migraines stop. Fight back - with WeatherX.
The (Free) WeatherX Alert App Warns You Ahead of Time WeatherX comes with a free app for iPhone and Android smart phones. The app will send you 24-hour advance alerts when a storm is brewing, so you can know to take preventive steps ahead of time. If you keep your WeatherX ear plugs with you, you can always be ready. The app will warn you of incoming barometric pressure changes, and you'll have plenty of time to prepare, hydrate, take the usual medications your doctor has prescribed, and put your ear plugs in before the headache can hit. You can check out the app here.
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