Walker GSM Sport Combo Kit (NRR 31) (Earmuffs + Ear Plugs + Glasses)
Walker Game Ear
Walker GSM Sport Combo Kit includes a pair of high grade polycarbonate shooting glasses, a pair of NRR 29, ultra light weight range ear muffs, and a pair of NRR 31 foam ear plugs. The Walker GSM Sport Combo Kit makes it simple and easy to make sure you have the safety equipment you need when you hit the range. This kit is a natural item to offer your indoor or outdoor range customers too. By wearing ear plugs underneath a pair of ear muffs, you can take advantage of the dual protection method of hearing protection. This approach combines two styles of noise blocking - over-the-ear and in-the-canal - to very effectively block out dangerously loud gunshot sounds. The dual protection method of hearing protection is ideal for extended sessions of shooting, when a single ear defender may not be enough.
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