Pluggerz All-Fit Travel KIDS Earplugs (NRR 23.4-30.4)
Pluggerz Travel kid-sized earplugs are perfect for making travel more comfortable for those little ears in your life. Ease Ear Pain from Cabin Pressure
Pressure from takeoff and touchdown can be hard on kids' ears, causing irritation and pain which can put an early damper on any family trip or vacation. With pressure-regulating filters, Pluggerz Travel Kids earplugs can help kids handle flying, driving through the mountains, and other pressure-changes.
Protection from Distressing Noise
Airplane cabin noise can be overwhelming or even frightening for young children. Plugerz kid-sized earplugs for travel provide a comfortable fit and a good seal against noise -- while still allowing voices and warning sounds to be heard clearly. Includes a handy storage case to help keep the earplugs from getting dropped or lost.
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Pressure from takeoff and touchdown can be hard on kids' ears, causing irritation and pain which can put an early damper on any family trip or vacation. With pressure-regulating filters, Pluggerz Travel Kids earplugs can help kids handle flying, driving through the mountains, and other pressure-changes.

Protection from Distressing Noise
Airplane cabin noise can be overwhelming or even frightening for young children. Plugerz kid-sized earplugs for travel provide a comfortable fit and a good seal against noise -- while still allowing voices and warning sounds to be heard clearly. Includes a handy storage case to help keep the earplugs from getting dropped or lost.
NOTE: These are the kid-sized earplug version of adult-sized Pluggerz All-Fit Travel ear plugs, but in a smaller size designed to fit kids ages 4 to 14. Adults with small ear canals may find these plugs helpful, too.
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