Acu-Life® Oto-Scoop Wax Removal Tool
Oto-Scoop from Acu-Life® is a safe and simple-to-use ear wax removal tool. The Oto-Scoop has two great features that let you clean the ear wax and any other dust or dirt out of your ears without harming your ear canals or touching your ear drums.
1. First, the Oto-Scoop features a Flexing Tip which includes a smooth scooping loop attached to a flexible stem that can bend up to 90 degrees in any direction. This patented flexing tip lets you gently scoop the wax out of your ear canal, reaching the top, bottom, and sides of the canal without putting any strain on the ear canal. 2. Secondly, the Oto-Scoop features a Safety Guard disc that gently but firmly prevents the Flexing Tip from reaching too far into the ear canal, protecting the sensitive ear drum. As someone interested in keeping your ears clean and healthy, you probably already know that it actually feels good to clean the excess wax -- along with any dust or lint that may be trapped in that ear wax -- out of your ears. This can make it tempting to clean your ears with cotton swabs, more commonly known as Q-tips. But you should never, ever use a Q-tip to clean your ear canals! Those cotton swabs may feel nice, but they can actually remove too much ear wax, leaving your ear canals raw or scratched and vulnerable to infection. Too, it is surprisingly easy to touch the ear drum when using a Q-tip without even realizing it, which could harm that fragile membrane... and one poorly-timed slip or sneeze can lead to a punctured ear drum, a great deal of pain, and a trip to the hospital. Avoid those common ear care mistakes, and instead keep your ears clean and happy with the Acu-Life® Oto-Scoop. It's gentle, easy to use, inexpensive, and washable and reusable. Intended for adult use only.