Moldex Camo 6648 UF Foam Ear Plugs PlugStation Dispenser (NRR 33) (Dispenser with 500 Unwrapped Pairs)
Moldex Camo Plugs® offer a high NRR 33 rating, making them suitable for most noisy environments. So, while they look like fun, they provide serious protection for serious users. Refill for the Moldex PlugStation Ear Plug Dispenser. Contains 500 pairs of unwrapped foam ear plugs. Moldex Camo Plugs® Ear Plug Features
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More Moldex Camo Plugs® Earplugs:
- Model #6648.
- 100% PVC-Free.
- High Independently tested NRR 33.
- Tapered shape for easy insertion and removal.
- Extra-soft, low-pressure foam for comfort and fit.
- Non-irritating, smooth surface.
- Shaped to fit even very small ear canals.
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