Hearos Earplugs Hi-Fi Natural Sound Musician's Ear Plugs (NRR 12)
Hearos Hi-Fidelity Natural Sound Musician's Earplugs offer hearing protection -- without sacrificing sound articulation. Ideal for musicians, concert goers, sleep, and study, these Hi-Fi plugs let you hear the highest highs and lowest lows, without putting your ears in danger. Don't sacrifice sound clarity for protection; Hearos Hi-Fidelity Natural Sound plugs are the perfect solution. Musicians, especially music students and professional musicians, put their hearing at risk every day. Passionate music fans who see a lot of live music are also in danger. Whether you're a performer in a band, or the biggest fan in the crowd when that band plays, your ability to hear the music you love is essential - and you could be losing it slowly over time. Musicians Ear Plugs such as these Hearos Hi-Fidelity earplugs for music let you turn down the volume without losing out on the sound quality. Most ear plugs block sound unevenly across the frequencies, which is fine in a factory, but not on stage - or in the crowd. Hearos Hi-Fidelity Ear Plugs block sound evenly across the range of audible frequencies. That means sound isn't distorted or skewed, but your ears still stay protected against too much loud noise exposure. And that means you can go to the show or get in another round of practice without damaging your hearing. If your ears ring the next day, your hearing is being hurt. And the worst news is that hearing damage caused by exposure to hazardously loud noise is permanent and irreversible. Taking care of your ears now will pay off big later, when you can still hear well enough to enjoy the music you've spent your whole life loving. And Hearos Hi-Fidelity will let you do that and still enjoy the music right now. Hearos Hi-Fidelity Music Ear Plugs are easy to use and come with a free light-weight carrying case, so you can keep them with you in your pocket or bag, anywhere you need to be able to play or listen to music safely.
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