Etymotic Ety-Plugs HD ear plugs ar the highest definition universal-fit ear plugs available anywhere in the world. These ear plugs are the closest thing you can get to simply turning down the volume on the world around you. The
sound you want stays the same, but the volume of
noise you hear is lower.

Etymotic Ety-Plugs HD High-Definition Ear Plug Performance Benefits: - Provides hearing protection without diminishing communications ability
- "Turns down the volume" but leaves speech clear rather than muffled
- Preserves situational awareness for improved all-around safety
- Excellent for work with industrial machinery, vehicles, and power tools
- Ideal for the factory floor, out on the job, or in your home shop
- Reduces noise fatigue and improves focus
- Two sizes: standard and large
Not sure which size is right for you? Get the Ety-Plugs HD 2-Pair Double Pack! Foam ear plugs, ear muffs, and even some other ear plugs for concerts can block too much noise, with much more sound blocking at some frequencies than others. The result is a muffled feeling, as the sound around is blocked and distorted. On the job, this can be a serious hazard. With Ety-Plugs HD, alarms, warning sounds and voices all stay clear, and ambient sounds remain audible. This
situational awareness is key in keeping workers in touch with their surroundings for an all-around safer experience. Whether your needs are commercial, or whether you're just looking to equip yourself with protective gear for your home garage or shop, Ety-Plugs HD are a great choice. They also work well for parades and festivals, concerts, sporting events, and any other loud environment in which you need relief from hazardous noise, but you still need to be able to hear voices very clearly. Available in two sizes: standard (fits most people) and large.