Perfect for Outdoor Shooting Practice, and Hunting. Available with your custom imprint! (50+, call for pricing.)BlastBuster™ Shooter's Ear Plugs represent the latest advance in hearing protection against both impact and constant noise. BlastBusters provide variable noise reduction that increases as the volume increases. In practice, this means you can clearly hear voices and other sounds in low noise environments, then instantly and automatically get the protection you need in the presence of dangerously loud noises, such as the muzzle blast from a pistol or rifle. BlastBusters are rated at NRR19 which provides adequate protection up to approximately 104 dB of constant noise, or for shorter periods in higher noise conditions. In low noise situations, you will hear with almost no attenuation, and at high noise conditions, you will hear just a portion of the loud noise you would hear with no protection. BlastBuster™ ear plugs feature the world famous Hock's Noise Braker noise filter, and a 6 flange plug that fits teens through adults with small to average sized canals. For those who need a larger size, we suggest our Got Ears? BlastBusters Premium Shooting Ear Plugs, which can be ordered below. BlastBuster™ ear plugs can be cleaned with ordinary soap and water for daily use over months or even years. BlastBuster™ ear plugs are recommended for industrial environments up to 104 dB, for outdoor range shooting and for hunting. For indoor range shooting and louder industrial environments, we recommend a solid plug such as the SilentEar reusable ear plug (NRR 32). Each pair of BlastBuster™ Shooter's Ear Plugs comes with a durable watertight carry case and instructions for use.See Also