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Acute Noise Sensitivity (ANS)

Acute Noise Sensitivity (ANS)
Here at Ear Plug Superstore we define Acute Noise Sensitivity (ANS) as a condition in which a person experiences abnormal sensitivity to sounds that persons with normal hearing would not ordinarily find uncomfortable or especially irritating.

Many customers tell us that sounds in the normal world that most people seem to simply ignore, are physically painful to themselves. As a result, they confide, these people often make sad choices such as skipping celebrations and parties, declining to eat at favorite, but noisy restaurants, and even avoiding visits with their extra loud friends or family, in favor of a quieter, if more lonely, activity.

We want you to know that the recently exploding category of musicians ear plugs, which are ordinary ear plugs that are equipped with a tuned acoustic filter, can literally change your life for the better. Check them out below, and get back your life! If you need help choosing a product for your particular situation, or to help a child cope better with noise at home or school, please get in touch. We are here to help:

Flare Audio Calmer Ear Plugs
Flare Audio Calmer Ear Plugs
1 Review

Flare Audio Calmer dampens irritating frequencies and reduces distortion so you can focus better, with less stress, while still hearing clearly. Extra helpful for those with autism, hyperacusis, misophonia, and other hearing sensitivities. Reduce stress, stay calmer, and avoid sensory overload.

Ear Plugs for Musicians and Concerts
Ear Plugs for Musicians and Concerts

Explore the world of musicians ear plugs here! We think you will be impressed with what you find. Modern music listening ear plugs have exploded onto the ear plug world over the past ten years or so, giving everyone, from casual music lovers to professional stage musicians an increasingly wide choice of ear plugs that let you choose the amount of sound reduction you experience, while still letting you enjoy the full experience of the music you love. With music listening ear plugs, only the volume is reduced; not the fidelity!

White Noise Machines
White Noise Machines

Choose your favorite white noise machine or white noise CD for masking noise in the room or with earphones for maximum control and effectiveness. Add Challenger S phones for Total Isolation(TM).

Ear Muffs for Babies and Kids
Ear Muffs for Babies and Kids

Ear Muffs for Children are often the best choice when it comes to hearing protection for kids. We have chosen several excellent ear muffs that are lightweight and comfortable enough for children, babies and toddlers.

Got Ears? ANC-01 Noise Canceling Headphones For Flying Travelers
Got Ears? ANC-01 Noise Canceling Headphones For Flying Travelers

These headphones cancel outside noises so you can listen to your music or the in-flight movie in peace. They offer good quality sound and noise canceling. A great, affordably-priced alternative to Bose noise canceling headphones: these are ANC flying headphones for the rest of us!
